  • 1
  • Attracting Dust in New Zealand Lost And Found: Betty’s Waistcoat and Other Duchampian Traces
  • (Vol  0Issue   , 2007 )
  • by robert
  • 2
  • The Artist as a Social Critique
  • (Vol  0Issue   , 2005 )
  • by robert
  • 3
  • On Swift Nudes and Flying Friars
  • (Vol  0Issue   , )
  • by robert
  • 4
  • Unpacking the BoĂ®te-en-valise:Playing off Duchampian Deferral and Derrida’s “diffĂ©rance”
  • (Vol  0Issue   , 2005 )
  • by robert
  • 5
  • Marcel Duchamp Chose Emmentaler Cheese (1942)
  • (Vol  0Issue   , 2005 )
  • by robert
  • 6
  • El LĂ­mite Soñado: Arquitecturas De Vidrio No Construidas, Reflexiones Desde El Siglo XXI: Las Vanguardias ArtĂ­sticas [ Spanish]
  • (Vol  0Issue   , 2003 )
  • by robert
  • 7
  • Duchamp the Gardener
  • (Vol  0Issue   , )
  • by robert
  • 8
  • Observations on Duchamp’s Color
  • (Vol  0Issue   , )
  • by robert
  • 9
  • Do it Yourself! Die Geburt der Co-Autorschaft aus dem Geiste Duchamps [ German]
  • (Vol  0Issue   , )
  • by robert
  • 10
  • Mirror, Mirror: The Strange Case of the Salon de Fleurus
  • (Vol  0Issue   , )
  • by robert
  • 11
  • A Note on Linda Dalrymple Henderson’s “Duchamp in Context” (Niceron, Leonardo, PoincarĂ© & Marcel Duchamp)
  • (Vol  0Issue   , 2002 )
  • by robert
  • 12
  • A Note on Duchamp/Saussure and the Mysterious Sign of Accordance
  • (Vol  0Issue   , )
  • by robert
  • 13
  • Jarry = Duchamp
  • (Vol  0Issue   , )
  • by robert
  • 14
  • Die Bedeutung des Ready-mades fĂĽr die Kunst der Gegenwart [ German]
  • (Vol  0Issue   , )
  • by robert
  • 15
  • Duchamp et Jarry ou l’inverse [ French]
  • (Vol  0Issue   , )
  • by robert
  • 16
  • Between Gadget and Re-made: The Revolving History of the Bicycle Wheel [ German]
  • (Vol  0Issue   , 2000 )
  • by robert
  • 17
  • Duchamp at NASA
  • (Vol  0Issue   , )
  • by robert
  • 18
  • Marcel Duchamp in 1962
  • (Vol  0Issue   , )
  • by robert
  • 19
  • A Pun Among Friends
  • (Vol  0Issue   , )
  • by robert
  • 20
  • Involuntary Muscular Action as an Untapped Energy Source: An Invention by Leonardo da Vinci and Marcel Duchamp
  • (Vol  0Issue   , )
  • by robert
  • 21
  • Ready-Aid?: A Note on Philippe Duboy’s Lequeu: An Architectural Enigma
  • (Vol  0Issue   , )
  • by robert
  • 22
  • Psychological Analysis of Duchamp’s Handwriting
  • (Vol  0Issue   , )
  • by robert
  • 23
  • Duchamps Horoscope [ German]
  • (Vol  0Issue   , )
  • by robert
  • 24
  • Duchamp as Trickster
  • (Vol  0Issue   , 2000 )
  • by robert
  • 25
  • Shooting Bullets at the Barn
  • (Vol  0Issue   , )
  • by robert
  • 26
  • An Open Letter to Donald Kuspit
  • (Vol  0Issue   , )
  • by robert
  • 27
  • A Life in Pictures Revisited
  • (Vol  0Issue   , )
  • by robert
  • 28
  • Leonardo’s Optics Through the Eyes of Duchamp: A Note on the Small Glass
  • (Vol  0Issue   , )
  • by robert
  • 29
  • The Gift of Cassandra
  • (Vol  0Issue   , )
  • by robert
  • 30
  • Marcel Duchamp’s Three Threads
  • (Vol  0Issue   , 1999 )
  • by robert
  • 31
  • Marcel Duchamp and Glass
  • (Vol  0Issue   , )
  • by robert
  • 32
  • “Fountain” avant la Lettre
  • (Vol  0Issue   , )
  • by robert
  • 33
  • “Faucon” or “Perroquet”? A Note on Duchamp’s Morceaux choisis d’après Courbet
  • (Vol  0Issue   , )
  • by robert
  • 34
  • “Desperately Seeking Elsie” Authenticating the Authenticity of L.H.O.O.Q.‘s Back
  • (Vol  0Issue   , )
  • by robert